For this gym refurbishment my client wanted a creative colour scheme to bring this gym to life. The key things for this brief was to take into account the blue from their branding, as well as the new equipment which was to be black/yellow. We changed the wall styling, flooring and layout to maximise what the gym has to offer.

Did you know that certain colours can evoke specific emotions and feelings?

From calming blues to energizing yellows, let’s explore the psychology behind this gym refurbishment.

  • Blue: Boosts productivity and can encourage people to do more in the gym. Blue objects appear less heavy when compared to red objects so are better suited for heavier weight lifting areas. Small doses of pale or light blue and navy, teamed with orange, yellow or white can slow down breathing and blood pressure.
  • Yellow is good for simulating mindfulness and clear thinking. Avoid using blue in large quantities so that it doesn’t become overwhelming.
  • Blue/green tones are more calming